The course included going around the flight line/runway. It was a pretty cool course and a very flat course. Another aspect of this race, they had a shadow marathon/half-marathon in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Just before the race stated, the base commander addressed us all (in a heated hangar – was 21 degrees outside!) and included a live video chat projected on overhead screens with some of the soldiers who were going to run in Kandahar. The t-shirt and the medal had the images of various aircraft and an outline of Afghanistan. The medal also had Robins AFB and Kandahar, Afghanistan for the locations of the races. The soldiers in Kandahar made a point of mentioning this and thanked the organizers for including them.
About 1,100 people showed up for this 26.2/13.1/5k event. With about 700 doing the full or half, except for the very beginning, it was never crowded. With the exception of a few fighter aircraft taking off as we were on the course, the race was uneventful. The only thing that sticks out in my mind, as this was a double loop course for the marathon, I was lapped by 7-8 guys who ended up finishing the full in less time than it took me to do the half : ) 3:05 was my time.
They had water/powerade every two miles and a (just one) porta-pottie – there was typically a wait at each one. The end of race food was: bagels, muffins, bananas, oranges, water, powerade,… There was plenty available by the time I got there and it was in that heated hangar!
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